Sexual Security - The Aging Man's Guide to Lifelong Performance
by Dr. Kathryn Retzler
It’s a fact of life that as you age physical changes impact your performance in the bedroom. You may think about sex less often and not get as turned on as you did when you were younger. Your erections may not be as firm or you might experience erectile dysfunction.
The good news is that sexual security IS possible as you age. In Dr. Retzler's well researched new book you will learn the most common contributing factors to poor health and the tools needed to improve your mental and physical health and ultimately your sexual performance.

What Doctors and others are saying about Dr. Retzler's book
"Aging can be slowed and one can live a life full of potential without their chronological age interfering with their biological age and sexual function. The cardiovascular system is the key component of graceful aging and sexual function along the other important suggestions in this incredible book by Dr Retzler. Follow this path and your sex life will keep you and your mate very happy and healthy.”
Mark C. Houston, MD
Director, Hypertension Institute and Vascular Biology, Nashville
Author of "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Hypertension" and "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You about Heart Disease"
Dr. Retzler's Sexual Security reveals many significant words of wisdom for enhancing male sexuality while supporting anyone during different phases of life.The section on Vitamin,mineral,polyphenol,and antioxidant support was not only up to date and exceptional but leading edge at the same time.In short this book will assist anyone searching to enhance quality of life issues with simple lifestyle alterations that definitely work.An easy read that includes vital information for both aging men and women is highly recommended.
Stephen T Sinatra, MD
Cardiologist and author of "The Sinatra SOlution: Metabolic Cardiology," "Reverse Heart Disease Now," and "The Great Cholesterol Myth"
One of the greatest blessings a doctor can experience is to have a colleague from whom you learn and grow beyond what one has already mastered. In this, Dr. Retzler excels in all aspects and to every doctor (and patient) she touches. The universe of good, honest, solid information has gained a new chapter because of her book Sexual Security. Of the many books on a man’s health and sexuality, this book stands out as one of the best.
Paul Savage, MD
Founder of Ageology
"Dr. Retzler's book is a masterpiece, and the most significant book on healthy aging and maximal performance that I have ever read, and I will highly recommend it to my patients, and their loved ones who are interested in pursuing their best health possible, and reversing the aging process."
Dennis Godby ND, MA
Founder, Sacramento Naturopathic Medical Center
Beautifully written by Dr. Retzler, Sexual Security is an accumulation of years of research and lecturing at medical conferences around the country. The most precious gift in life is your health. so reward yourself by following the guidelines in Sexual Security.
Edwin Lee, MD
Endocrinologist and author of "Feel Good Look Younger" and "Your Best Investment"
Sexual Security is tailored for the digital age and fills in critical gaps in mainstream sexual health advice for men. It’s readable, persuasive and brimming with valuable, thoroughly referenced information. Dr. Retzler, a physician who is also a wife, empowers readers to take control of their sexual health as they age and, at the same time, improve their overall wellbeing. Highly recommended.
Gary Wilson
Author: Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction.